Bakkheia + Pop
+ My Sisters Collected Fantasies (NL, IT): POP
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BAKKHEIA – dancing on the edge
Created by Peter Šavel
Co-created and performed by:
Light desidng: Ints Plavnieks
Music: J.S.Bach & The Knife & Henry Purcell
Video: Richard Chomo & Peter Kotrha & Algis Kaveckis
Premiere: July 24, 2014, Kiosk festival, Stanica Žilina – Záriečie / SK
– space for the minority to express their full personality –
BAKKHEIA is a dance performance moving within the thin border between what we perceive as crazy (as sickness, as foolish, as autistic) and as genius (as free, child or animal like, honest, non-restricted).
Three dancers offer their bodies to an endless transformation, an ongoing circle, a morphing voyage of solitude. Coming close to each other, they touch, they attempt to communicate, but they always fall into a discrepancy of contexts, which they propose.
How do we communicate nowadays? Do we really talk about the same things? Do we listen to understand or just to reply? We constantly repeat our own statements, each on our own, each with own “smart technology”, close to each other and yet so lonely… Is this an absolute solitude, or does the human animal push through even the thickest shield of social norms?
Bakkheia – from Bacchus; Roman equivalent of Dionysus, the God worshiped in the rituals called Dionysian mysteries mostly by the ones standing outside of the society, the (wo)men without equal rights to fully be who they are within the social structures of the ancient Greek state. These ecstatic festivities were rituals of becoming as free in spirit as the God him self- childish, with no boundaries of social consensus and norm. The space for the minority to express their full personality. A counterpoint for the individual who is restricted through his social status.
My Sisters´Collected Fantasies
Intepretácia: Luca Hillen, Felix Schellekens, Isadora Tomasi
Hudba, zvuk: Lucas Kramer
Svetelný dizajn: My Sisters’ Collected Fantasies
Umelci aj diváci sa vydávaj spoločne na krátke ale intenzívne audio-vizuálne dobrodružstvo. Jeho intenzita je porovnateľná s ontenzitou zábavných parkov. Vďaka silným zvukovým a svetelným efektom si publikum nájde sotva čas na rekapituláciu, čo sa deje. Divák zotrváva v okamihu zachytávajúc festival dojmov.